Quantum Gravity

QGBooksQuantum Gravity is a series of five books set in a future Earth where worlds of the imagination have been made real by a singularity event. The details were lost in time but one thing that survived is the music.

The most badass elf in history is inside the covers at the head of a rock band, The No Shows and you can hear their hit song here, kindly re-recorded and re-mastered in this continuum for the Quantum Gravity project by Roland Hartwell and Cynic Guru.

51 thoughts on “Quantum Gravity”

    1. The series is concluded. Books 1-5 have been published. That’s all there is. Not all have been published in other languages so far however. I hope this information helps.

  1. Hi,

    I absolutely love this series. And I found a short story about Lila online a while back but I lost the link to it. Could you post that please?

    Thanks for the amazing stories,


    1. Thanks for your message, Ton, much appreciated. I’m not sure about the link to be honest, I will have a look. best wishes, Justina.

  2. Justina,
    …I received this in an advert from BookBub today and immediately thought of you and the Quantum series.
    I loved the books and like most, hated to see the story end.
    You have an avid follower.

    ….Advert from BookBub…..

    Angelbound: The Origins Series
    By Christina Bauer

    Myla is part human, part demon — and a ruthless warrior. This wildly imaginative fantasy series follows her as she falls for a handsome demon slayer, races to save millions of souls, and faces the terrifying King of Hell…

    $0.99 $10.99


  3. (Before I start to babble: I come from the Czech Republic, I am a huge sci-fi and fantasy fan and I am really bad at English tenses and recognising BrE / AmE. I sincerely apologise for confusing vocabulary. Hopefully, you will find it more funny than sad. I swear my English teachers, and the series I watch, are particularly good.)
    Oh, you got me. First time I have read Keeping It Real, I was hooked. Knowing there is a writer who writes sci-fi AND fantasy in one – and makes the story believable, not-too-plain-and-horribly-simple and not just about falling in love – was the best gift our city library could ever give to me. That was about five years ago, although in the Czech Republic the book had been published in 2009, and now I am still in love with it (and I have my own copy at home). Also, I am really upset with our publishers not having published more than one fifth of the series; honestly, that is one hell of a torture. Fortunately, the amazingness (this word probably lacks existence, but I think you will understand) of Keeping It Real made me sure that once, when there is money, I would order all of the remaining books in their original language – even if it would take another five years to search the depths of Internet through and through… and die trying. It is a big step for me since I have always been scared of not understanding the original book which would cause spoiling the pleasure of reading a great book and… and it really was a dilemma. At the age of eighteen, I finally have the courage (and the money).
    I am just planning to get books 2–5. I thought it would be good to mention there is a foreign fan of yours. I do not know how often you get “enthusiastic-fan-cheering” mail but I figured it can’t hurt.
    I love how Keeping It Real is, well, everything: you were able to make it colourful, technical, fantastic, wild, juicy, gentle, sorrowful, vivid, hot, extremely amusing (or funny? Never really understood the difference) when it comes to Zal. As a detail-eater, I appreciate descriptions of Lila’s (by the way, do you read it [Lĭla] or [Līla]?) robotic parts, the references to the quantum bomb and the cracks it caused… When I was thirteen, I think I was a bit lost when Lila arrived in Alfheim but that is the only thing I could “complain” about. Oh, I almost forgot… The complexity of elven relationships is wonderful. Seriously. A great idea.
    So… keep writing! (I am sorry not to know a better way of saying it… anyway…) … I wish you all the best!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind remarks, Alžběta. It’s so great to hear from you, especially considering how much effort it took – I can only read and write in English so I am in your debt. It is wonderful to have a lovely letter like yours: I’m so happy to know that someone ‘got it’ and enjoyed the book. On days when my confidence and inspiration are low I read the letters people have sent and remember that I have got things right for some people some of the time! It always picks me up. As for ‘amazingness’ – I’ll take that compliment any day! 🙂

      I hope that you are able to get books 2-5 without any trouble and that reading my English isn’t too much like hard work.

      with all best wishes, Justina.

  4. Is there a way I can get all 5 books in ebook format? I have read the first three ages ago in paper format but would like to collect the set in ebook format. A quintology set would be a great deal for folks like me!

    Thanks again for the story.

    1. I see these listed on amazon UK in Kindle format, I don’t know about other formats or suppliers. I hope this helps.

    2. Dear Doug, Thanks for your note. Sorry for the delay in response. As far as I know they are available as ebooks in the USA and UK for various readers on popular bookstore sites. I looked just now and I did see them listed. I do hope that you can find them. Best wishes.

    1. It is concluded at 5 books, Savanah. I may write some short fiction in the QG universe in the future as part of my Patreon activities. Best wishes, J

  5. Hi. Quantum Gravity is so far a great series. I’ve listened too the first three narrated by Khristne Hvam. Although I can’t seem to find the last two books with her fantastic audio…? It’s also terribly difficult to acquire the audio books in general and I’ve only found then on itunes which is seriously very 2014. Less than 10% of the world population use fruit to communicate these days. Great literature getting lost in the tree. You should get your publishers to wise up and make your books accessible to as many as possible..

    1. Hi Ben,

      Thanks for your note, much appreciated. When I go to amazon.com, who own audible, who made the audiobooks that I can see in the UK, I can see copies available on the US site. I don’t know if they are not visible to you or whether you’re avoiding that retailer, so I can’t say for other sources. The narrator is Mel Hudson for all 5 – which has confused me. Is your set issued by Pyr? I’m sorry I don’t have full knowledge of what is happening there. I really should. Meanwhile I hope you are able to locate a source for the final parts of the series. I will go look and see who is doing what with the audio versions.

      best wishes, Justina.

      1. Hi,
        Thanks for the reply. It may be country specific. I’ve tried amazon / kindle without luck. They are available on “Audible” in at least Australia, maybe some other countries too, but not in Norway unfortunately.
        Norwegian media is very protectionist and there are many tv-series, audiobooks etc we can’t get due to a few but large media companies controlling the markets with the help of gov. regulation.
        Your books are also available on itunes, but would be great if they were on Google Play Store also so you could use android devices.
        In any case, I’ll just be old fashioned, buy the analog versions and read them myself! I will also be looking forward to reading your other books, as the QG series was my introduction to your writing. They’re not just incredibly refreshing and exciting page-turners but the hook for me is the ways your imagery and narrative themes really drill down relentlessly into certain aspects of the human condition and have got me mulling anew over things like honesty, integrity, beauty, consciousness, femininity, health, love.. from interesting and wholly new viewpoints.
        Thanks for that all too rare, but deeply appreciated experience!

  6. Hi Justina,

    I don’t know if you’re still reading this in 2018, but I’m currently re-reading the whole series and I still enjoy it as much as I did when I read it first in 2012!
    I was wondering if the books will ever be turned into a tv-series. That would be so awesome! There is so much visual potential in there.

    Much love from the Netherlands!


    1. Thanks, Judith. How lovely to hear this! I would love a TV-series too. Come on, Netflix, what are you waiting for? 🙂

    1. Hi Tyler,

      Yes! I am delighted to say that I am presently having the covers remade, sparing no expense, and they will be re-launching in the US in spring 2019!

  7. Hi, I love these books! I’m in the US, and at audible they don’t have all the books- Only the first three. The woman reading them is exceptionally good. I know it’s 2019, but I just found you!! Is there any way to get books 4 and 5 in audible form? I’ve scoured the internet to no avail. I have all the print ones that I bought through Amazon US but I had to get most of them used. I like to read it and listen at the same time. I’m only in book two so far but I love the world(s) you created.

    1. Thanks for your note, Charlene, I’m so glad you enjoy the stories. I will try to find an answer on the Audible situation for you.

    2. Hi

      I have checked amazon’s Audible listings in the US and I can see the last two on my screen so I don’t know why they won’t show up for you.

      If you want an ebook or paper copy those will be re-issued this year in the US but at the moment they are not available. I will post and publicise them as soon as they are out.

      all best wishes, Justina.

      1. I’m afraid my efforts to resolve this have failed so far. I’m sorry. I will look into it again.

  8. your writing is wonderful. i enjoy particularly the synchronicity with my own self serving existential writing. it annoys me that you write and publish so well the tortuous workings of my own mind, but then you aren’t alone. aristotle, plato, jung and others also beat me to the realisations.
    i started to find the 4th and 5th books of quantum gravity were bogging down in layers and details and dare i say boring me? but you are a superb writer and now i have just read lila and teazles discussion on kindness and mercy, then empathy. it broke my head after 68 yrs of stubborness.
    thank you. i needed that.
    i am interested in how the stories resolve of course and will finish book 5 this arvo. in Oz.
    somehow already, apart from the fictional entertainment, i have received value from you far beyond the mere cost of the books.
    i understand also the empty chair on the shore. you owe us, your audience, nothing, you already gave.

    1. Thank you, Roland. I would just like to say that, feeling that someone beat you to a realisation must happen to every person. Other humans have always been there before us. That doesn’t mean you were late, or that it’s less of a big deal than when it happened for them. It means you’re the same as they are. You noticed something amazing and it’s never too late to say so. You can’t be beaten to it, because you’re the whole race itself. You made it to a significant post! Fantastic!

      Yes, you’re right about the layers and complexity in 4 and 5. They went to some places I didn’t expect and it was quite a digging to get through. I’m sorry that it bored you but, you know, that you enjoyed _any_ of it is a bonus for me! Your kindness in telling me so is a lovely thing. I am so so glad that it all went somewhere worthwhile! Thank you for your attention and your time.

  9. Hi,

    I live in the US and have not been able to find books 4 and 5 on Audible, iTunes, Amazon or any other site. I can find them on the Amazon UK site but it won’t allow me to purchase them. I am a Broadcast Electronics Engineer and spend a great deal of time driving or on my computer designing circuits or in studios. That leaves me very little time in which I am able to read a book, but a great deal of time in which I may listen to books. I have been a passionate reader and have passed that along to my children who tear through books like they were candy (and are also fans of your work.) Hopefully this horrible injustice to your US fans of allowing us to have the first 3 books but withholding the last two can be resolved soon. I’ve waited as long as ten years between books in a series to be written with other authors resenting the enforced delay but your series is complete. There is no good reason for not making the last two available. I purchased the first three over a year ago thinking the other two would be released soon. I guess Lawyers have no sense or understanding or… oh well I state the obvious.

    Looking forward to hearing the last two book.

    1. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Kevin. I’ve had it reported before and thought it was fixed but apparently not. I will do my best to find out the answer. Meanwhile thanks for your support! All best wishes, J.

      1. FYI Kevin I have contacted Audible and they request that you contact Customer Services directly about this issue from your email address so that they can help you. Still no answer about it for me! But best of luck. Please let me know what happens if you decide to pursue it.

      2. This is being resolved now by myself working with Audible Studios. There was a rights problem. I’ll let you know as soon as they are available. Hopefully it won’t be a long wait. Thanks for your interest in the series!

  10. I have all 5 book in Trade Paperback. I really want them in epub format.
    They are not sold mt Barns & Noble or Amazon in the us in electronic format.
    Where in the US can I get them?

    Thank you.

  11. The US rights to the books have reverted to me this year and I am re-issuing them as soon as their new funky cyberpunky covers are ready. Cover No#1 is nearly done right now and the others are in the pipeline. I will be doing big announcements once they are live and I will be sure to let you know.

  12. Just randomly thinking bout the Quantum Gravity universe today…… I loved this world and story, someones making the movies soon right? 🙂

    1. I wish they were! All I can promise are some lovely new book covers arriving in September from the 13th onwards. Meanwhile I might start doing my own illustrations because I could wait for Hollywood forever! I’m glad you enjoyed them. I’m writing a free story right now which I hope to release also in September. Must get back to it!

  13. OK it is September 22 2019. I just checked Barns and Noble and Amazon, The quantum gravity series is NOT available on eBook.
    Any idea when we can get it. I have the series on Trade paper and want the ebook version.

    1. Dear Mike,

      I am so sorry about this. It is down to the illusion I had that I could upload my information and books and be on my merry way without delays. However, even though I have done all that weeks ago. Delays.

      Amazon queried my rights to publish the books in the USA last week and took it off, pending. I immediately sent in all the paperwork they requested, that should be dealt with this week – according to their 5 business day schedule, as long as they accept my papers. I am waiting to hear from them. Barnes and Noble – I had a query return sent on my tax information and I am sorting it out today. It’s all most frustrating but please bear with me.

      The full set of all 5 books will likely not be up until Christmas, at which point there will be a box-set edition (e and paper). I don’t know if you want to wait for that.

      Once again, apologies. I will get over these hurdles and be a better professional at the admin end soon!


      1. Justina,
        Thank you for the update. I will be happy to wait for the box edition.
        I am glad that it is being worked.
        The series deserves to be read by everyone.

  14. Can Germany hope for Quantum Gravity Book Four: Chasing The Dragon, Gollancz, 2009 in german? Like Lila Black 04 and soon Lila Black 05? In Netflix are series in this way and I remember that I read that long ago and I want to read it.

    1. Sadly, Aline, I think the answer to that has to be No. As the publisher in Germany didn’t choose to translate and publish the last two titles I’d have to pay for a translator to do that myself and…I can’t afford one. I’m so sorry. All kindest wishes to you. Justina.

  15. Will the English audiobooks (Chasing the Dragon, and so forth), be available in the USA for digital purchase? I have purchased the first three audiobooks, but I am unable to buy stated/proceeding audiobooks. (Unauthorized Region, if you are wondering on the reasons via Audible)

  16. I loved the Quantum Gravity series, and find myself unable to purchase in ebook format in Canada. Any thoughts?

    1. As far as I know the Canadian area is supplied by Gollancz/Orion and not something I have any jurisdiction over so it OUGHT to be available as part of the territories agreement, but I can ask about it. You will have to wait for a reply, though. Meanwhile, thank you, I’m so glad you liked them!

      1. Hi Justina. I read and really enjoyed the series. I loved your world building blending science, magic, parallel dimensions and the various species and governments. I have a hard time finding good authors who build good worlds so Thanks!
        I particularly liked how you made the fey as much forces of nature as they were people. Very cool and thought provoking.
        I’m also a sucker for shipping a couple.
        I too would like to support you by buying ebooks of this series but alas I also cannot find it available in Canada.
        Hope you are well.


      2. Hi. Thanks for your note. I don’t know why it wouldn’t be available in Canada. I think it should be issued there via Gollancz/Orion the UK publisher but I would have to check. I’m so glad you liked it.

  17. Why do hardcovers have to be so hard to find? I read this series many years ago at my local library, and enjoyed it. Now that I am in a position to create my own personal library, this is one of the series I wanted to add to it. But alas, I can only find used copies online, which I would make due with, but I don’t have a lot of faith in the people selling it on Amazon. I could at least get brand new paperbacks from Barnes & Noble, but for some reason they don’t have “Keeping It Real”.

    1. I guess the difficulty lies in there being few to start with and the one you mention is old now. I don’t have one in my house that I can see but I may have one in storage somewhere. Paperbacks should work from amazon but I’m locked into their KDP system there so those are the copies which I have issued myself and they may have different covers to the ones you collect. I don’t think I ever had hardcovers of the US editions but I could be wrong!

    2. It’s 2024 and it was quite time I read first title. It was lost due to my moving and I couldn’t find it anywhere, over 10 years. I never stumbled over book like that ever again and trust me I looked. After years google got finally smart enough to key out what I’m searching for. I blame the Czech translation coz they changed the name of the book Ordering whole series in original lang coz I am still hooked and it’s damn amazing amalgamation of fantasy and sci-fi. I am so grateful for finding it again and even more that it was written. It’s exciting and completely amazing and I can’t wait to read it whole.

      1. I hope you find the original version fun, Vera. I can’t think of a nicer compliment than someone making so much effort to find the stories. All the best, JR

  18. Justina, this set of 5 books is amazing, a masterpiece I would say. I finaly was able to get them all. Thank you for bringing joy to my world with this stories. It kept me wanting more, that is how good this was. I am also a writer and from my perspective, you are incredible. Thank you!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words and taking the time to comment. I am so happy to know that you have got so much from the books. I hope that you find even more happiness in writing your own.

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