Hello there. Just a quick note to let you know that, in response to many requests YES – there is a Glorious Angels 2 in production as of now. Tentatively titled Glorious Angels 2: Hell’s Ditch it will resume the story of Tralane and her daughters and the whole city of Glimshard on its voyage of discovery. Join me as we discover what happens as the creators of the downed swamp-ship arrive on-world. Friend or foe? Hard to say I should think…
For anyone who can’t wait there is a tier reward on my Patreon where you can not only get early looks at the story but also your name on the dedication, as I am writing this story especially for all the patrons. I will self-pub it at the end of production, unless some genius in publishing snaps it up first. Either way, it shall exist.
In other news I am finishing up a fantasy novel for Rebellion, which will follow the fabulously un-followable Mr Adrian Tchaikovsky in an all new series to be launched later in 2018. Such fun!
A few short stories will be floating about next year too, I’ll let you know when they’re about.
Happy New Year and all the best to you for your future stories.